Event Results: Aussie Open 2017 January 26 - 29

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TIP: Click on the player to see their hole-by-hole Metrix.

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TotTo par
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                211%23%
?Green hit (GRH)  1689%5576%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)               3 3 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111 11111 111111 1593%5298%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 5 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 8 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)              422%46%
?Green hit (GRH)      1267%4765%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)            6 6 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1 1 1 111   1 11 110100%5096%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 7 
?Penalty (PEN) 1              113 7 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)             528%57%
?Green hit (GRH)    1478%4461%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)             5 5 
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 1 1 11 1 11111 1112100%5096%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 6 
?Penalty (PEN)        1         1 8 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)           739%710%
?Green hit (GRH)     1372%4664%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)         9 9 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111111  11      1 9100%5292%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 2 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 7 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                211%23%
?Green hit (GRH)       1161%3751%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)             5 5 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11 11 1 111  11 1112100%4698%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 6 
?Penalty (PEN)1                 1 5 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                  00%00%
?Green hit (GRH)          844%3853%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)            6 6 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11  11112  11 12 11471%5886%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 3 
?Penalty (PEN)1                 1 6 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                211%23%
?Green hit (GRH)            633%3042%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)          8 8 
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 1  111 1111    111090%4698%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 4 
?Penalty (PEN)     1       1    2 11 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                211%23%
?Green hit (GRH)         950%3244%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)            6 6 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11   1     111111110100%4992%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 3 
?Penalty (PEN)         11       2 8 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                211%23%
?Green hit (GRH)           739%3143%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)           7 7 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1111 1 2 1   1   11090%5184%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 4 
?Penalty (PEN)        1    1    2 6 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                  00%00%
?Green hit (GRH)        1056%3549%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)            6 6 
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 1 111 1    11111111100%4589%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 6 
?Penalty (PEN)1       1       1 3 14 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                 16%11%
?Green hit (GRH)             528%2535%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)              4 4 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)211 21   1 11111121669%6090%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)               3 4 
?Penalty (PEN) 1     11  1     15 14 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                  00%00%
?Green hit (GRH)              422%1926%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)               3 3 
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 1111111 1 112111 1593%4996%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 1 
?Penalty (PEN)       11        13 12 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                211%23%
?Green hit (GRH)           739%2231%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)          8 8 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1 11 11 11111   1 1191%4693%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)             1  113 13 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)               317%34%
?Green hit (GRH)           739%2738%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)      12 12 
?Inside circle putt (ICP) 1 111 1 1    211 1050%5277%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)        1  1      2 11 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                211%23%
?Green hit (GRH)            633%1622%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)         9 9 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)   1111111   1   1989%3897%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 4 
?Penalty (PEN)             111 14 16 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                 16%11%
?Green hit (GRH)            633%2535%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)          8 8 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1112 11 2 1  111211663%5086%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 3 
?Penalty (PEN)       1      1  13 12 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                  00%00%
?Green hit (GRH)              422%2231%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)           7 7 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)11 11  1111 12 11 1377%5288%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 6 
?Penalty (PEN)1        1    1  14 13 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                 16%11%
?Green hit (GRH)            633%2636%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)            6 6 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)  1 221 12211 31111963%6282%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 2 
?Penalty (PEN)                  0 15 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                 16%11%
?Green hit (GRH)                211%1724%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)   15 15 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)   1       1     2450%4582%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 7 
?Penalty (PEN)1      11   11  1 6 18 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                 16%11%
?Green hit (GRH)             528%1724%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)         9 9 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)  1  1111 121111111464%5686%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)        1         1 12 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                  00%00%
?Green hit (GRH)            633%2028%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)        10 10 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)121   111 1 2 21111553%6083%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 4 
?Penalty (PEN)        1    21  15 16 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                  00%00%
?Green hit (GRH)                211%1622%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)              4 4 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)1 1 2 11111  111111493%4894%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                 1 4 
?Penalty (PEN)2       11  111  18 25 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                211%23%
?Green hit (GRH)               317%710%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)        10 10 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)  1   1 2 1 12 11 1080%3985%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 2 
?Penalty (PEN)1         1  1  1 4 19 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                  00%00%
?Green hit (GRH)                  00%34%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)         9 9 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)  1  111 121  1   967%2688%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                2 2 
?Penalty (PEN)             1    1 15 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                  00%00%
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%23%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)      12 12 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)111   11 2   1    875%3184%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 3 
?Penalty (PEN)         1     1 13 16 
?Bullseye hit (BUE)                  00%00%
?Green hit (GRH)                 16%57%
?Inside the bullseye putt (IBP)   15 15 
?Inside circle putt (ICP)       1  1 11 1  560%4687%
?Outside circle putt (OCP)                  0 1 
?Penalty (PEN)2 1       21   1119 18 

TIP: Turn your phone horizontal to see more stats

Round 4 Statistics

Course Statistics