
A successful and global Disc Golf promotion effort by offering the highest caliber events and widest media exposure platform, establishing Disc Golf as a legit sport around the world, and creating innovative and effective marketing opportunities for international commercial partners.


To establish a professional global governing body for pro Disc Golf, uniting a network of players, fans, countries, events, manufacturers, and commercial partners.

Directives of the Disc Golf World Tour

  • To manage the global Disc Golf tour (DGWT), where the elite disc golfers compete.
  • To expand the reach of Disc Golf by increasing its mainstream appeal through continually improving the quality of the events and increasing media visibility.
  • To create business opportunities for Disc Golf promoters around the World.
  • To maintain and preserve Disc Golf’s core values – fun, ease of learning, creativity, innovation, individuality, camaraderie, and ecology – even as we grow.
  • To provide advanced universal statistics for the sport (Disc Golf Metrix).
  • To unite the interests of players, fans, promoters, and manufacturers.
  • To continue innovation and progression of Disc Golf through research and development.