Player Spotlight Series Part 4 : Nate Doss
The Disc Golf World Tour is just two weeks away. Before things get rolling at La Mirada, we’ve continued to check in with some of the world’s best players for our Player Spotlight Series.
Next up is three-time World Champion Nate Doss:
You recently posted about heading out to throw for the first time. How does it feel to welcome in another season?
As always, it feels amazing to start a new disc golf season! Come October, as a player I am ready for some time away from the game, but when March rolls around, I am ready to play again.
Is there something that signals the end of the offseason for you every year, or is it a matter of being ready to go?
I usually let the weather tell me when its time. I live in Bend, OR, which can be a snowy winter town or sunny playground any given day in the winter, so when its nice, I get out and throw.
What are you looking forward to most in terms of disc golf in 2016?
In 2016, I look most forward to again having the chance to play against the best players in the world. I am driven by competition and the players I get to compete against each and every event.
What tournament that you haven’t won yet do you want the most? Why?
I would love to win the Masters Cup in Santa Cruz, CA. I grew up in Santa Cruz and that’s where my heart will always live. I have been watching the Masters Cup for over 20 years now and never held the Open Men’s trophy. I have seen great players win the event, and it would mean the world to me to hold the trophy one day.
You were disc golf’s first SportsCenter Top 10 appearance. What’s your “Nate Doss Career Top 10”?
1. “Steady” Ed Headrick Memorial Trophy Recipient (2015)
2. 2011 Open World Championship (Santa Cruz, CA)
3. 2005 Open World Championship (Allentown, PA)
4. 2007 Open World Championship (High Bridge, WI)
5. 2008 USDGC Champion
6. First international trip (2006 Japan Open)
7. First Full Summer Disc Golf Tour, with Steve Rico, Bamba Rico and Josh Anthon (2003)
8. First Trip to World Championships (1998 Am Worlds in Appleton, WI)
9. 1999 Junior World Championship (Kansas City, MO/KS)
10. First Ever SportsCenter Top 10 appearance for disc golf
Last year was a big year for the sport in terms of media, attention, and growth. How do you see the Disc Golf World Tour taking that to the next level?
I think that question has yet to be answered. As with anything in life, we can only be judged by our performance on the field. The DGWT has proven that it is dedicated to providing some of the best events in the world, and I look forward to seeing how they perform. I have a feeling it will be great!
You’ve travelled to many places for disc golf. Which DGWT stop are you looking forward to?
I would have to say the European Masters [in Sweden]. Järva, the course, is absolutely awesome and one of my favorites in the world. I feel blessed every single time I step on the property!
What do you think about kicking the DGWT off at La Mirada, a place with so much history?
I am excited to visit “LAMA” once again. That place has so much history for me personally. I first played the course over 20 years ago as a young boy. I know the course will have its challenges, but I look forward to stepping on the property again and bringing up all those great memories and making some new ones, as well!
Thank you to Nate for taking the time to talk with us as he prepares for 2016. Keep checking the website for more exclusive interviews and all the latest news surrounding the Disc Golf World Tour.
Previous Player Spotlight articles:
Part 1 : Paul McBeth
Part 2 : Ricky Wysocki
Part 3 : Simon Lizotte