
Player Spotlight Series, Part 2 : Ricky Wysocki

The first Disc Golf World Tour event at La Mirada is getting closer and closer. To help you get geared up, our Player Spotlight series continues, as we chat with some of the world’s top pros.

Next up is world No. 2 and 2015 Maple Hill Open Champion Ricky Wysocki:

You’ve played a lot of basketball this off-season. What do you like most about it?

I like that it’s a good cardio workout, and you’re working out without really knowing you’re working out. With running, you really have to force yourself to run, and it can be grueling. But with basketball you’re running around having fun. And it’s sprints. I used to run sprints for things like baseball and basketball, but I’ve kind of gotten away from it, so I’m glad to be back running some sprints.

What’s your go-to move on the court if your team needs a bucket?

I like to drive and hit kind of a fade-away layup. So, it’s not like a real layup—I’ll drive and when the defender comes over, I’ll fade-away. I seem to get the most buckets that way.

So do you drop “Sockibombs” out there, too, or is that reserved for disc golf?

I’ve worn some Sockibomb apparel out there. The only people who have called me that on the court, though, are my disc golf friends. But who knows, it may catch on in the gym, too, like it did in disc golf.

You mentioned on social media that you’ve never been more ready to start a season. Why is that?

It’s a lot of different things. I’ve got all of my stuff coming together. I’ve had a year with Latitude 64 under my belt, and I’ve got the discs dialed, and I feel stable with the company, which is a huge confidence booster. I’ve also had some business ventures this off-season, with some apparel and a website coming out soon. Of course, I’ve been training and playing a lot like I do every off-season, too. So, with all of that coming together, this is the most confident I’ve felt.

What is the priority in 2016?

I’m going to focus on just playing. I did all of my business venture stuff in the off-season, so I can just focus on playing and practicing and taking advantage of my confidence. I feel ready mentally and physically, and I’m going to focus on winning a world title, which is my main goal.

You’ve been well known for your sidearm game, but now you’re also crushing backhands. What advice do you have for someone to find that kind of balance in their game? What’s the benefit?

I think balance is the key to everything. I felt like I was hurting myself only throwing sidearms, and throwing backhand allowed me to hit different angles. If you can throw both ways, then you are able to reach different pin locations and throw better angles. Beginners should learn to throw both ways, and it’s important to practice what you’re bad at instead of just honing in at what you’re good at.

The Disc Golf World Tour is another element added to 2016. What’re you looking forward to most about the tour, and how do you think it will impact the game?

I’m mostly looking forward to the travel. This is the first international tour, and I like to travel internationally. I know Jussi is going to get great media coverage, and this is going to help take our sport to the next level. I’m excited about it.

Have you ever made it out to La Mirada? What are your thoughts about the course?

I know there is going to be an extended layout, but I haven’t seen it yet. I’ve played the short course, and it’s a lot of fun, but I think it’s a little outdated for a tour event. I think. The extended course design is going to be great, and it will provide an extra challenge for the top pros. We’ll see what Jussi has in store.

Thanks to Ricky for taking the time to talk to us as he gets ready for an exciting 2016 season. Keep checking the website for more exclusive interviews and all the latest news surrounding the Disc Golf World Tour.

Previous Player Spotlight articles:

Part 1 : Paul McBeth

Next Player Spotlight articles:

Part 3 : Simon Lizotte
Part 4 : Nate Doss
Part 5 : Dave Feldberg