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Player profile information
When you register to Disc Golf World Tour website as a player you are asked a series of questions. We ask all these questions because we want to serve the players and the fans better than before.
Information about you as a disc golf athlete (e.g. dominant hand) and a bit more detailed info about yourself (e.g. height, weight, birthplace) will be shown on your public player profile on the website. By providing the information you help us to serve the fans once the DGWT season 2016 starts in March. We’ll provide the fans detailed statistics about players’ performance in the DGWT events. Your player profile will be available to the fans as well and the DGWT website will be a handy way for the fans to find information about their favorite players.
The reason why we ask your contact info and your clothes’ sizes is to improve our services to the players. For example a DGWT partner might want to provide some gear to the DGWT athletes. Enter the info once and you won’t have to give the same necessary details every time you register to DGWT events. This information will only available to the DGWT organization and DGWT event organizers by request.

Sample player card. Subject to change.