
European Open Registration at Phase 3

The phase 3 of the European Open 2016 registration is now open! All PDGA members with rating 940 or higher can now register for the 7th edition of this fine event. If you’ve got the rating we recommend you to claim your spot at the Disc Golf United.


A look back on DGWT #1: La Mirada Open

One of the most important aspects of the Disc Golf World Tour is its ability to work as the pinnacle platform for the promotion of the sport. We see every event as a medium, a new possibility to showcase the best this sport can offer to as big of an audience as possible.


VIDEO: La Mirada Open Final Round Play-by-Play

The SpinTV in association with Jomez Productions is bringing you the full final round coverage from our lead card, consisting of Paul McBeth, Simon Lizotte, KJ Nybo and Ricky Wysocki. Made possible by Innova Champion Discs. © The Spin18 ltd 2016. All right reserved. http://thespintv.com La Mirada Op...


PHOTO GALLERY: Saturday Photos by the Flight Record

Saturday’s final round at La Mirada was the perfect ending for a great event. We’re happy that we had the highly skilled photographer Stuart Mullenberg on site on all tournament days to capture the first event of Disc Golf World Tour.