La Mirada Open event logo published!
The logo for La Mirada Open was designed to feel traditional, but still interlace with the Disc Golf World Tour logo. The logo was also shaped as a circle to be easily transformed into a stamp. The main element is the upward facing dove from the City of La Mirada official seal. The olive wreaths come from the city’s history and the rays symbolize the sun, which is an essential element when playing disc golf in Southern California. The single star in the center – which is also found in the flag of California – represents the first ever Disc Golf World Tour event. The logo entity is finalized with a retro style typography laid out as the outer circle.
Convincing open field at La Mirada
The La Mirada Open will be featuring the largest Open division field at La Mirada in decades. As of January 22nd 110 players have registered for the event. A quick glance at the registered players list reveals a field riddled with holders of prestigious titles: World Champions, European Champions, US Champions and many more. Take peek at the list yourself. All in all we expect no less than a world class show when the pros return to the La Mirada!
You can still experience the La Mirada disc golf course in a refined tournament setting. The registration is still open for another week for all PDGA members rated 900 or higher. Head on over to the Disc Golf United to claim your spot at the La Mirada Open!
Or if you’d like to leave your mark in disc golf in another way we’re looking for volunteers to help out in organizing the event on several tasks. We’ve set up a nice package for our volunteer staff! Check out the volunteer perks and more information about volunteering.
Sign up as a follower and stay on top of the events
You don’t have to be battling for the La Mirada Open victory to enjoy the event though. We’ve prepared extensive coverage of the first ever DGWT event for the enjoyment of disc golf fans around the world. The DGWT followers will be treated with exclusive content through the entire event week. Sign up now and you won’t miss out on any La Mirada Open action!
See you soon at sunny California!