Disc Golf Metrix: Scorecards
Introducing the Disc Golf Metrix Scorecards
What a tournament and what a finish! Paul McBeth took home the 2016 European Open Champion title with his staggering last round in which he absolutely destroyed the course. He was 5 strokes back from the leader Ricky Wysocki after round 2, but caught him by hole 11 on the final round. Here you can see his full scorecard, as well as his Metrix statistics for the season.
We want to show you guys how to read and use this feature, since the Metrix system includes a huge amount of data and the usage might be confusing at first. So read through the following guide for explanations and instructions.
1. Player Profile
This is the basic information on the player. The content is given by the players themselves when they register on the website. The preferred units are chosen by the players, too, so European players tend to have metric units while the Americans prefer imperial units. (If you, your friend or your favorite player is missing information, we suggest you give them a reminder on filling in the data.)
The official profile pictures are shot before each tournament and if a player wants, they can update their photo for each tournament.
The sponsor is filled in by the player as plain text, and the Metrix shows disc manufacturers automatically as logos.
2. Season statistics
Seeing this feature requires logging in on your DGWT account. If you haven’t registered yet, we strongly recommend doing it for this exclusive content that has never been seen before on any disc golf tour or event.
This section gives good overview on the current season statistics. Events played, place on the DGWT tour and points accumulated are shown on the top, and the detailed Disc Golf Metrix statistics are shown at the bottom as Green Hits (GRH), Inside the Circle (ICP) and Outside the Circle Putting Average (OCP).
As you can see, even the most succesful disc golfers don’t reach the top on every statistic. But as you probably can tell, current tour leader Paul McBeth excels in driving, as his Green Hits percentage is at 54% after three DGWT events. That means he has been inside the circle putting for birdie or better on over half of the holes he has played!
3. Event results
By default, the player profile pages shows played events as a list. By clicking on the event name, you can see their full scorecard at the event. (Viewing the statistics tab requires logging in on the website. If you don’t have an account yet, you probably know what to do by now.)
Here you can see McBeth’s European Open scorecard. Green boxes indicate birdies, neutral boxes (light grey) indicate pars, grey boxes are bogeys and the worse the hole score, the darker the grey box. As you would expect from the best player in the world, there are only a few grey boxes. But “The Beast” disc golf course in Nokia is not called one of the most challenging in the world by chance, since even Paul took a double bogey on hole 15 on round 2.
4. The Metrix scorecard
This feature requires logging in, but here’s where it gets really interesting. By clicking on the round title on the left, you’ll get in-depth Metrix statistics on the round. You can see where the player got green hits, where their score was affected by penalty strokes and if their putting was on point, be it inside or outside the circle. You can also see their round specific GRH and ICP percentages as well as their OCP count in the far right columns.
You can also open all rounds as Metrix data at the same time and compare how the players executed the same holes throughout the tournament – was there improvement, how the weather affected the scores and which holes caused trouble on each round.
Here you can see that Paul took three penalty strokes on his first round, but carded only two bogeys. That can be explained by the buncr rule on hole 16, which gives no extra stroke from missing the island or the fairway, but the player has to rethrow from the previous lie. Regardless, these buncr OB’s are counted as penalties. Paul also missed one putt from inside the circle on hole 9, leaving him with a 95% ICP from round 1.
5. Shareable URL
You can easily share these scorecards by simply copying the URL from the address bar.
If you want to tell your friends how you did in a DGWT tournament, no need to grab screenshots. Just copy the URL and let your friends see your player profile. Or if you want to show how your favorite player did in their last tournament or highlight a specific player’s performance, simply just share the URL in social media.
For example, Paul’s scorecard from the European Open: https://www.discgolfworldtour.com/players/paul-mcbeth/event/european-open-2016/
6. Player search
To make browsing the players’ profiles easier, we created a double-function search field:
- You can scroll through all the DGWT players from the dropdown menu or
- You can type the players’ name or just the first digits and the menu gives you a narrowed down list of player names that match your search.